Night Guards

woman wearing orthodontic silicone trainer

Many people experience nighttime teeth grinding and clenching, also referred to as bruxism. This can be caused by stress, anxiety, or unknown factors. It’s important for these individuals to find a night guard that will fit their teeth properly in order to keep them healthy. There are many different types of guards, or orthotics, to choose from – some are made from medical silicone or plastic and are custom-fabricated to the individual’s needs. Wearing a night guard helps to protect the teeth from becoming damaged, as well as reduces the amount of strain exerted on the jaw joint.

Did You Know?

Traditionally, dentistry focused primarily on the teeth. More recently, however, dentistry is developing effective treatments for jaw pain caused by bruxism. This is why night guards do more than just protect your teeth; they also reduce pain in the jaw, head, neck, and shoulders.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do I need a night guard?

You may need a night guard if you know you grind your teeth at night or if you are experiencing any of the following:

  • a headache upon waking
  • broken or chipped teeth
  • sensitive teeth
  • neck pain
  • a change in the way your teeth fit together
  • facial pain
  • problems biting and chewing or opening and closing the mouth
  • jaw pain
  • ear pain
  • popping or clicking noises in the jaw
  • headaches or migraines

To determine if you need a night guard, schedule a consultation with Dr. Dickey of Dickey Dental today!

What can I expect when being evaluated for a night guard at Dickey Dental?

When being evaluated for a night guard at Dickey Dental, you can expect to discuss your symptoms with Dr. Dickey. He will also examine your teeth and jaw for signs of nighttime bruxism. Then he will take a dental impression or oral scan of your mouth and send the information to a dental laboratory. The dental lab will fabricate your night guard using this information, as well as any information provided by Dr. Dickey.

How do I care for my night guard?

Once you have your night guard, Dr. Dickey will provide you with information on when to wear it and how to care for it. In most cases, you can expect to wear your night guard every night when you sleep. You will need to keep your night guard clean and be sure to brush and floss before putting your night guard in your mouth. You should also bring your night guard to your dental exams so that Dr. Dickey can evaluate it for signs of wear or damage. Over time, your night guard will eventually need to be replaced.