
Woman having teeth

Tooth extractions are a last resort procedure to maintain or improve your oral health when one or more teeth pose a serious threat to the rest of your mouth. During a tooth extraction, the problematic tooth is removed from the mouth. There are two main types of tooth extractions: simple and surgical. A simple extraction is performed when the entire tooth is above the gum line and can be removed in one piece, whereas a surgical extraction is performed when part or all of the tooth is below the gum line and/or the tooth cannot be removed in one piece.

Did You Know?

Tooth extractions can safely be performed in your local dentist’s office, even though all extractions are considered oral surgery. Depending on the location and type of tooth extracted, a dental prosthetic may eventually need to be placed to replace the missing tooth.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do I need a tooth extraction?

You may need a tooth extraction if:

  • a tooth is severely decayed and root canal treatment was not effective
  • tooth decay is so severe and widespread that the tooth breaks off in pieces (usually after multiple dental procedures)
  • the tooth has broken in such a way that it cannot be repaired
  • wisdom teeth are impacted and/or causing overcrowding
  • there are too many teeth for the size of the jaw (overcrowding)
  • advanced periodontitis has cause jawbone deterioration

Ultimately, only Dr. Dickey can determine whether a tooth extraction is needed. To determine if you need a tooth extraction, schedule a consultation with Dr. Dickey of Dickey Dental today!

What can I expect when having a tooth extraction at Dickey Dental?

When having a tooth extraction at Dickey Dental, you can expect the extraction site to be numbed with dental anesthetics. You may also be placed under dental sedation to keep you relaxed. The level of sedation used will be based on a number of factors such as your personal preference and the type of extraction being performed.

As mentioned above, there are two different types of extractions that can be used. During a simple extraction, you can expect Dr. Dickey to use forceps and a dental elevator tool to gradually rock and lift the tooth out of the socket. During a surgical extraction, Dr. Dickey will make incisions in the gum tissue and may need to remove part or all of the tooth in pieces before suturing the gums closed.

Will I need to follow any special guidelines after my appointment?

Yes. After your tooth extraction appointment, Dr. Dickey will provide you with special guidelines to follow for a smooth recovery. These guidelines may include:

  • using cold compresses on the extraction site to reduce swelling
  • keeping the extraction socket clean and dry by using gauze, a damp washcloth, or antibiotic mouthwash
  • not rinsing your mouth excessively to prevent bleeding
  • avoiding activities that will put pressure on the extraction site, such as eating crunchy foods, using straws, smoking, or drinking through a sports bottle
  • brushing your gums gently with an extra soft toothbrush to prevent irritation
  • taking antibiotics or other medications as directed