Dentinogenesis Imperfecta: Its Origins and Treatment Options

Decayed enamel from dentinogenesis imperfecta

Various factors impact our oral health, including our diet, environment, and genetics. Thankfully, most of these influences can be addressed through consistent adherence to a complete dental hygiene routine and making smart choices regarding food and drink. We can also avoid certain vices impacting our oral health, such as tobacco use and excessive alcohol consumption. When the source of an oral health issue comes from our genetic background, it’s generally impossible to prevent them. However, with the help of the Dickey Dental team, it’s possible to manage the symptoms and control the severity of their impact.

Dentinogenesis Imperfecta: Its Origins and Treatment Options

Dentinogenesis imperfecta (DI) is a genetic condition that impacts the development and structure of our teeth. Our teeth are organs comprised of three distinct layers. The outermost layer is the enamel, a protective layer comprised of the most resilient materials our body can produce. Beneath this layer is found the softer, porous dentin layer, which supports the enamel and creates a barrier between it and the soft fleshy pulp of the tooth. The pulp contains the nerves and living heart of our tooth.

The layer most impacted by DI is the enamel. This normally resilient layer is rendered weak and brittle and may become translucent. In addition, the teeth may be discolored, most often appearing yellow-brown or blue-gray due to the condition. Dentinogenesis imperfecta has three recognized classes of manifestation. These three classes include:

  • Class I: When the symptoms of DI appear alongside osteogenesis imperfecta, another genetic condition that impacts the development of the bones. Like the teeth, bones in these patients are brittle and easily broken.
  • Class 2: This form of DI appears unrelated to other conditions and impacts both the adult and primary teeth. Tooth discoloration is most prominent in patients with this class of DI.
  • Class 3: Patients with this class experience rapid deterioration of the dental crowns at all stages of life. This deterioration impacts both the primary and the adult teeth and can lead to the pulp becoming exposed. When pulp exposure occurs, it often reveals itself to be smooth, amber, or pearlescent in color. Further, the primary teeth’ root canals and pulp chambers will be larger than normal.

Thankfully, there are treatment options available for DI. While there is no cure, these treatments can help protect the teeth from wear or replace damage caused by the condition. Dental sealants and fluoride treatments can strengthen and protect the dental enamel. Dental restoration options are often a solution when damage has already occurred.

Contact Dickey Dental To Protect Your Smile Today

Dentinogenesis imperfecta can have lasting and painful impacts on your oral health. Don’t allow the consequences of this condition to leave yous struggling. Contact Dickey Dental at (803) 329-2126 or stop by our clinic in Rock Hill, SC, to meet our team and take a tour of our dental office. We can introduce you to the treatment options available and discuss how we can work with you to ensure lasting oral health.